Going to the Groomer is the Worst


Lately my mom and dad have been saying I smell bad and I need a bath.  And also that I need a haircut.  Maybe this is true because this is how I looked this morning:

Me looking scruffy
I need a bath and a haircut


Also they said the same thing about my sister Ashley.  See, she was scruffy too:

Ashley looking scruffy
Ashley needs a bath and a haircut too

I guess I can understand the haircut but I think me and Ashley smelled just fine.  If you are a dog, you spend a lot of time building up your smell.  It is something you put some effort into.  It is really upsetting when your people go and wash it off.

Anyway, today my parents took us to the groomer.

Now, most of the time me and Ashley’s lives are pretty awesome.  But, when we have to go to the groomer, our lives are Not Awesome.  We do not like the groomer.  Here is a list about why:

  1. At the groomer, there are other dogs.  We do not like other dogs.
  2. At the groomer, there are strange people.  We do not like strange people.
  3. The groomer talks to you like you are dumb.  (Well, okay, in my case they might be onto something.)
  4. The groomer touches your feet.
  5. You lose the smell you’ve been working on for weeks.
  6. You have the worst time, and you have to wait your turn to have it.
  7. The groomer brushes your hair.  (I mean, ugh.)
  8. Worst for last:  Anal glands.  Enough said.

It is obviously true that the groomer is a terrible place to go.  Even my mom and dad think so.  Every time we go to the groomer, they leave us there and make a run for it.  That is because they hate it there too.

Here is what me and my sister Ashley look like now that we are back from the groomer:

Clean and Smooth
Me and my sister Ashley after escaping the groomer

See?  How embarrassing.  We look all skinny.  And also the wind is cold now.

Did you know that my mom and dad take baths every day?  I cannot understand why they would do this.  It seems like a lot of unpleasantness to put yourself through.  I would recommend only taking a bath once every three weeks at the most.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow our lives will go back to being awesome.  If you want to write me a comment about your worst bath ever you can do that down here at the bottom:

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