Double Header

The other day, me and my sister Ashley had the most amazing day.  It was amazing because we had two adventures in the same day.  This is what I call a Double Header.

Adventure #1: Coal Oil Point

The first adventure we had was a hike at Coal Oil Point.  I do not know why they call this place Coal Oil Point.

I do not know why they call this beach Coal Oil Point, but that is what they call it.

Don’t get the wrong idea, though, because this beach is really pretty.  Here is a better picture:

Photo May 29, 9 31 59 AM
Coal Oil Point

If you are a dog and you want to go to Coal Oil Point, you have to have a person on leash with you because it is a Protected Habitat.  Evidently a Protected Habitat is a place where a bunch of cranky animals get to live without being bothered.  For example look at this video of this super-mean crab that we met.

But even though some of the animals were mean, we had a pretty good time.  Here is a picture of me and my sister Ashley and you can see that we are happy dogs:

Happy dogs at Coal Oil Point
Happy dogs at Coal Oil Point

Adventure #2: Sailing

So after we got home from Coal Oil Point, I thought the good part of our day was over and that we were just going to sleep the rest of the day.  Sleeping is pretty much what me and my sister Ashley always do after having an adventure.

But instead my mom and dad got out our Float Coats!  Anytime we put on our Float Coats it means we’re going sailing.  And that’s what we did!

The most amazing thing that happened during our sailing trip was we saw a huge pod of dolphins.  Dolphins seem like pretty cool animals (way nicer than crabs).  They played in the wake of our boat for a while.

Now, I tried really hard to get some pictures of these dolphins for you, but here is why I didn’t get very many:

Wrong Angle
Why I do not have a GoPro video of the dolphins I saw.

So somebody out there needs to invent a better way for me to use my GoPro, because this kind of thing happens to me all the time.  If you invent it I will sell it for you here on my blog.  Otherwise if you won’t invent it, I’ll have to invent it myself.

But anyway, here is one picture that I got:


We sailed from the harbor all way out to the oil rigs and there was good wind the whole way.  In case you don’t know, the wind is what makes the boat go, so having some wind is usually good.  Here is a picture of me and my sister Ashley sailing with my dad.  When my mom took this picture she called us a pack of dirty dogs.  I don’t know what she is trying to say about my dad, but anyway.

The Gang
Sailing with my dad

So you have to admit that was a pretty amazing day.  Here is one crazy thing that happened: somebody I have never met wrote about my amazing life on this wall!  How would they know this about me?  They must read my blog…


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