Double Header

The other day, me and my sister Ashley had the most amazing day.  It was amazing because we had two adventures in the same day.  This is what I call a Double Header.

Adventure #1: Coal Oil Point

The first adventure we had was a hike at Coal Oil Point.  I do not know why they call this place Coal Oil Point.

I do not know why they call this beach Coal Oil Point, but that is what they call it.

Don’t get the wrong idea, though, because this beach is really pretty.  Here is a better picture:

Photo May 29, 9 31 59 AM
Coal Oil Point

If you are a dog and you want to go to Coal Oil Point, you have to have a person on leash with you because it is a Protected Habitat.  Evidently a Protected Habitat is a place where a bunch of cranky animals get to live without being bothered.  For example look at this video of this super-mean crab that we met.

But even though some of the animals were mean, we had a pretty good time.  Here is a picture of me and my sister Ashley and you can see that we are happy dogs:

Happy dogs at Coal Oil Point
Happy dogs at Coal Oil Point

Adventure #2: Sailing

So after we got home from Coal Oil Point, I thought the good part of our day was over and that we were just going to sleep the rest of the day.  Sleeping is pretty much what me and my sister Ashley always do after having an adventure.

But instead my mom and dad got out our Float Coats!  Anytime we put on our Float Coats it means we’re going sailing.  And that’s what we did!

The most amazing thing that happened during our sailing trip was we saw a huge pod of dolphins.  Dolphins seem like pretty cool animals (way nicer than crabs).  They played in the wake of our boat for a while.

Now, I tried really hard to get some pictures of these dolphins for you, but here is why I didn’t get very many:

Wrong Angle
Why I do not have a GoPro video of the dolphins I saw.

So somebody out there needs to invent a better way for me to use my GoPro, because this kind of thing happens to me all the time.  If you invent it I will sell it for you here on my blog.  Otherwise if you won’t invent it, I’ll have to invent it myself.

But anyway, here is one picture that I got:


We sailed from the harbor all way out to the oil rigs and there was good wind the whole way.  In case you don’t know, the wind is what makes the boat go, so having some wind is usually good.  Here is a picture of me and my sister Ashley sailing with my dad.  When my mom took this picture she called us a pack of dirty dogs.  I don’t know what she is trying to say about my dad, but anyway.

The Gang
Sailing with my dad

So you have to admit that was a pretty amazing day.  Here is one crazy thing that happened: somebody I have never met wrote about my amazing life on this wall!  How would they know this about me?  They must read my blog…


Dingleberry in Wine Country

You may not know this, but sometimes I can be a very refined and cultured dog.  This is the kind of dog I was last weekend because we went wine tasting in the Santa Ynez Valley.  You have to be refined to go wine tasting.

Wine tasting has several good parts to it.  For one thing, you get to take a really good car ride.  The car ride is so good because it is usually on country roads instead of the freeway and your people will roll down the windows so you can smell everything.  My sister Ashley really likes to smell everything when we’re in the car.  Look, here is a video of her on our way to the winery:

Now, my sister Ashley really likes wine.  But my mom and dad will not let her have it.  (Except sometimes my dad will let her lick a drop off his finger, which my mom does not always seem to approve of.)  We learned that Ashley really likes wine a long time ago when somebody spilled some and Ashley helped clean it up.  I do not like wine, just so you know.  Here is a picture of Ashley wishing she could have some wine.

Ashley likes wine
Ashley likes wine but it is not for her

Another one of the good parts about wine tasting is getting to be outside all day.  Your people will take you to different vineyards and then they just let you hang out there.  It is very strange but they don’t seem rushed at all!  I even got to sit on the table last weekend, which is normally a Place I Am Not Allowed.  Here look:

Me being refined
Only very refined dogs go wine tasting

I would like you to note how respectable I am in this picture.  Just remember this next time you read one of my posts and think to yourself what a raggedy little dog I look like.

You may think that wine tasting is a strange thing for a dog to do, but actually lots of dogs go wine tasting.  We always see some dogs when we go.  People who like wine seem to like dogs.  I have mixed feelings about this.  On the one hand, it is nice that other dogs get to go.  On the other hand, as you know I do not like other dogs.

Last weekend we went wine tasting at Lincourt.  My mom and dad say they make really good wine.  Ashley agrees.  They have a really nice tasting room where you can go, or you can sit outside like we did all day long!  If you’ve ever been there, you should write me a comment and talk about how awesome it is.

A Tale About Whales

Yesterday me and my sister Ashley went on a walk on the beach with our mom.  Well, our mom walked but we ran.

Anyway, we saw four whales!  They were pretty amazing.  I think they may have been a family of some kind, sort of like me and Ashley and my mom and dad.

Now, I did not get any good pictures of these whales, so you are just going to have to believe me.  Since I am so trustworthy, I know you will be able to do this.  You people reading my blog seem pretty cool, so I also know you will understand that sometimes when you’re in the middle of an amazing adventure you just do not have the camera ready.

But since I didn’t get any pictures, I made you this diagram to show you how big whales are.  Which is pretty big.  It is a good thing they are friendly.  Even so it makes me think I should concentrate harder on staying in the boat the next time we go sailing.

Whales are really big
Whales are Really Big


Slumber Party

My mom and dad had a work trip and skipped out on us last weekend.  Ashley and I were not pleased about this, until we realized that my aunt and uncle were coming over to stay with us.  Archie came too.  Archie is my brother in case you are new to my blog.

I should pause here to tell you that Archie is a bad dog like me.  It is harder for him because he is my aunt and uncle’s only dog.  In my life I have a Calming Influence, which is my sister Ashley.  But Archie does not have this.  So I guess he kind of has an excuse for being bad.  I do not have an excuse.  I am just bad because I like it.

Anyway, my aunt and uncle came over for a slumber party and it was pretty wild.  Here is me dancing like a maniac:

You can only dance so long though because it is kind of exhausting.  So then we set up the futon.  Normally this would be a person’s job, not a dog’s job.  But I wanted my aunt and uncle to feel welcome so I helped out.  Here I am making the bed:

When my mom and dad got home I showed them my videos and then they realized how much better my weekend was than theirs.  I have to admit I felt a little bad for them after that, but sometimes you have to show some tough love to help your people learn their lessons.

Dingleberry at Sea

Sorry it has taken me so long to make my next post.  Learning all this technology is kind of hard for a dumb dog like me.

Last weekend I went sailing.  My brother Archie visited me and my sister, so we decided sailing would be a fun way to show him how awesome our lives are.  We decided to take our people too.  Here is a picture of me and Archie:

Me and Archie
Me and Archie

Now, Archie and Ashley look a lot alike so don’t get confused.  But Archie is bigger.  He lives with my uncle and aunt so we get to hang out a lot.  So on the boat we had three dogs and four people.  That seems like a lot.

This is me on the boat with my dad’s beer.

Geared up for sailing
Geared up for sailing

Me and my sister always wear our Float Coats when we go on boats.  This is because I fall in the water a lot (Ashley does not do that).  Archie doesn’t have a Float Coat but he also doesn’t fall in the water.  Ruffwear makes the best Float Coats.  They don’t pay me anything to say that but maybe they should.

When we first got out of the harbor there was no wind, but that didn’t bother us.  Later it got windy and that was when I got seasick.  I puked four times on my dad.

I got seasick
I got seasick

Ashley did not get seasick.  Ashley is a pro adventurer.  This is one of the ways that Ashley and I are very different.  She is smart and athletic and, like, coordinated.  Here she is looking like a badass.  Oh and that’s my mom.

Ashley is a badass
Ashley is a pro sailing dog.

So it was a pretty amazing day.  I made a video with my GoPro.  You guys should subscribe to my Youtube channel, by the way.

Hello World!

Hello!  My name is Dingleberry.  I am a dog.  I am not smart.  I am starting a blog, see?
Writing My First Blog Post
Writing My First Blog Post

I live on the coast of California with my sister, Ashley.  We were born in 2007.  I got the looks, but she got the brains.  Look, here is a pic:

Me and My Sister
Me and My Sister

Okay, here is some more about me:  I am really bad.  I bark a lot.  At home I am really sweet but in public I am shameful.  I don’t like other dogs and sometimes I bite small children.  But I am pretty lucky because my mom and dad still take me out.  I get to do cool things.  I will blog about them, you’ll see.

Part of the reason I am starting this blog is because I just got this GoPro.  Look here:

My New GoPro
My New GoPro

Now, before you give me a lot of flack about my cinematography, please remember:

  1. I am a dumb dog.
  2. My custom-fit GoPro harness doesn’t fit so well.  My GoPro is usually not straight.
  3. My back legs and my front legs don’t always coordinate.  This can make my movies a little bumpy.

Yesterday we went hiking in Refugio State Park.  The trail was pretty steep so Ashley and I spent a lot of time waiting for my mom and dad to haul themselves up the mountain.  They are really slow.

We found a little cave.  The floor of the cave was steep and covered in sand.  I tried to climb to the top of the cave but I slipped and slid all the way back down to the bottom.  My mom laughed at me.

There was a great view at the top of the mountain but I did not care.  My mom had to lift me up to get a good shot.  You can see it in the end of my movie: