A Tale About Whales

Yesterday me and my sister Ashley went on a walk on the beach with our mom.  Well, our mom walked but we ran.

Anyway, we saw four whales!  They were pretty amazing.  I think they may have been a family of some kind, sort of like me and Ashley and my mom and dad.

Now, I did not get any good pictures of these whales, so you are just going to have to believe me.  Since I am so trustworthy, I know you will be able to do this.  You people reading my blog seem pretty cool, so I also know you will understand that sometimes when you’re in the middle of an amazing adventure you just do not have the camera ready.

But since I didn’t get any pictures, I made you this diagram to show you how big whales are.  Which is pretty big.  It is a good thing they are friendly.  Even so it makes me think I should concentrate harder on staying in the boat the next time we go sailing.

Whales are really big
Whales are Really Big


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