My Uninteresting Diet

Every day I eat exactly the same thing.  Here is what it looks like:

I don’t know if you have ever eaten kibble for 2,920 days in a row, but that’s how many days I have been eating kibble.  Anyway it is not very exciting.  Sometimes I get a little tired of it.  Here is an example:

Kibble Again

My sister Ashley does not eat kibble.  She is on a special diet so she gets to eat this Yummy Stuff out of a can.  Every morning I sit and watch Ashley eat her food first.  I do not try to eat my kibble until she has finished eating her Yummy Stuff.  That is because she is the Dog in Charge and I am not.  After she is done eating then I eat my kibble.  After that I go outside and poop.

One thing I have noticed about my people is that they do not eat the same thing every day.  I find this pretty confusing.  It almost seems like they eat better than me and Ashley do, but that would be insubordination.  I don’t know.  Ashley puts up with it, so I do too.  Of course, maybe it does not bother Ashley as much, since she gets to eat Yummy Stuff instead of kibble.

There may be some hidden benefits about eating kibble every day though.  Here is a list I made:

  1. Eating kibble every day keeps you regular.
  2. You can’t run out of kibble.  Every time we almost run out of kibble, it just re-materializes in the kibble storage bin.
  3. You don’t have to decide what to eat every night like my people do.
  4. You don’t have to cook it.  It is ready to go.
  5. Ashley doesn’t like kibble, so she won’t steal it from my bowl.
  6. Ants are not attracted to kibble.  (Hmm.)
  7. Your people can bring some kibble on hikes and other adventures.  If they remember.
  8. At least you know what you’re getting.

You can leave me a comment on what you think of my diet and whether you think my people should get me some better food.


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