Slumber Party

My mom and dad had a work trip and skipped out on us last weekend.  Ashley and I were not pleased about this, until we realized that my aunt and uncle were coming over to stay with us.  Archie came too.  Archie is my brother in case you are new to my blog.

I should pause here to tell you that Archie is a bad dog like me.  It is harder for him because he is my aunt and uncle’s only dog.  In my life I have a Calming Influence, which is my sister Ashley.  But Archie does not have this.  So I guess he kind of has an excuse for being bad.  I do not have an excuse.  I am just bad because I like it.

Anyway, my aunt and uncle came over for a slumber party and it was pretty wild.  Here is me dancing like a maniac:

You can only dance so long though because it is kind of exhausting.  So then we set up the futon.  Normally this would be a person’s job, not a dog’s job.  But I wanted my aunt and uncle to feel welcome so I helped out.  Here I am making the bed:

When my mom and dad got home I showed them my videos and then they realized how much better my weekend was than theirs.  I have to admit I felt a little bad for them after that, but sometimes you have to show some tough love to help your people learn their lessons.

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