Dingleberry at Sea

Sorry it has taken me so long to make my next post.  Learning all this technology is kind of hard for a dumb dog like me.

Last weekend I went sailing.  My brother Archie visited me and my sister, so we decided sailing would be a fun way to show him how awesome our lives are.  We decided to take our people too.  Here is a picture of me and Archie:

Me and Archie
Me and Archie

Now, Archie and Ashley look a lot alike so don’t get confused.  But Archie is bigger.  He lives with my uncle and aunt so we get to hang out a lot.  So on the boat we had three dogs and four people.  That seems like a lot.

This is me on the boat with my dad’s beer.

Geared up for sailing
Geared up for sailing

Me and my sister always wear our Float Coats when we go on boats.  This is because I fall in the water a lot (Ashley does not do that).  Archie doesn’t have a Float Coat but he also doesn’t fall in the water.  Ruffwear makes the best Float Coats.  They don’t pay me anything to say that but maybe they should.

When we first got out of the harbor there was no wind, but that didn’t bother us.  Later it got windy and that was when I got seasick.  I puked four times on my dad.

I got seasick
I got seasick

Ashley did not get seasick.  Ashley is a pro adventurer.  This is one of the ways that Ashley and I are very different.  She is smart and athletic and, like, coordinated.  Here she is looking like a badass.  Oh and that’s my mom.

Ashley is a badass
Ashley is a pro sailing dog.

So it was a pretty amazing day.  I made a video with my GoPro.  You guys should subscribe to my Youtube channel, by the way.

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