Dingleberry in Wine Country

You may not know this, but sometimes I can be a very refined and cultured dog.  This is the kind of dog I was last weekend because we went wine tasting in the Santa Ynez Valley.  You have to be refined to go wine tasting.

Wine tasting has several good parts to it.  For one thing, you get to take a really good car ride.  The car ride is so good because it is usually on country roads instead of the freeway and your people will roll down the windows so you can smell everything.  My sister Ashley really likes to smell everything when we’re in the car.  Look, here is a video of her on our way to the winery:

Now, my sister Ashley really likes wine.  But my mom and dad will not let her have it.  (Except sometimes my dad will let her lick a drop off his finger, which my mom does not always seem to approve of.)  We learned that Ashley really likes wine a long time ago when somebody spilled some and Ashley helped clean it up.  I do not like wine, just so you know.  Here is a picture of Ashley wishing she could have some wine.

Ashley likes wine
Ashley likes wine but it is not for her

Another one of the good parts about wine tasting is getting to be outside all day.  Your people will take you to different vineyards and then they just let you hang out there.  It is very strange but they don’t seem rushed at all!  I even got to sit on the table last weekend, which is normally a Place I Am Not Allowed.  Here look:

Me being refined
Only very refined dogs go wine tasting

I would like you to note how respectable I am in this picture.  Just remember this next time you read one of my posts and think to yourself what a raggedy little dog I look like.

You may think that wine tasting is a strange thing for a dog to do, but actually lots of dogs go wine tasting.  We always see some dogs when we go.  People who like wine seem to like dogs.  I have mixed feelings about this.  On the one hand, it is nice that other dogs get to go.  On the other hand, as you know I do not like other dogs.

Last weekend we went wine tasting at Lincourt.  My mom and dad say they make really good wine.  Ashley agrees.  They have a really nice tasting room where you can go, or you can sit outside like we did all day long!  If you’ve ever been there, you should write me a comment and talk about how awesome it is.

2 thoughts on “Dingleberry in Wine Country”

  1. Hello to you, fellow dog (and to your sister Ashley).
    I have never tried wine before! But I absolutely see in Ashley’s eyes how much she wants it!

    Great blog! I am going to follow it. We seem to have some things in common, I can see 🙂


    1. Hi there Barker, thanks for reading my blog! Do you have a blog too? Let me know and I’ll link to it. Us canine bloggers have to hang together. We can’t let our people have all the fun.


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